Yoga Pants and Bonbons

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My Life Got in the Way

The other day, I was at a school event, and I overheard a few moms talking. One of the women was apologizing for not getting back to one of the other moms about something. She said, "I'm so sorry that I didn't get back to you. I was going to, but life got in the way." At the moment, I didn't think anything of it, but as that comment wormed around in my brain for a few hours, it really started to bother me. Over the next couple of days, I picked up on a few other conversations that included someone apologizing in the same manner; apologizing for "you know, life". Wait, what?

Now I admit it; I'm something of a task master. I have my mental and physical lists of things that I want to accomplish; everyone does. However, when those things don't get done, it's not because I'm begrudgingly living life instead. Those moments between the things on the to-do list; those moments are your life! They are not your excuses; they are it! Please don't apologize for being so invested in those moments that forget to send an email or make a phone call or....

Just for fun, I kept track of all of the things that "got in the way" of some of the things I "should" have been doing this weekend: cuddled with my toddler instead of cleaning the bathroom; played in the newly fallen snow with my children instead of responding to emails; spent time with my son instead of answering phone calls; watched a movie with my spouse instead of sorting through stuff in the basement; took my daughter to a ballet instead of working on my blog; put up the Christmas tree as a family instead of pushing a online sale. That's just the abbreviated list. I don't see one thing on that list that I would consider "got in the way" of anything.

Please, let go of the "shoulds"; they will always be there, and are mostly just self imposed anyways. No one cares that you didn't get the bathroom cleaned today. Your friends would rather hear that you were too involved in reading books to your kids to answer a message on FB. That closet you need to sort through will still be there tomorrow. Enjoy your moments; don't apologize for them.