Yoga Pants and Bonbons

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Grain free donut holes

Generally our breakfasts here are fairly basic. High in protein and fat with some sourdough or sweet potatoes for carbs. As a mom who is not super creative with meals but insists on making every bite count in the nutrition department, I’m completely fine with lack of variety. That being said, and although they don’t complain, I do enjoy spicing things up from time to time and surprising my children with a fun side to their burger, bacon, and eggs.

As I searched my cupboards yesterday morning, I noticed that I had a couple of bags of coconut flour. I had also just sourced some amazing lard from one of my farmers. Hmmm…. coconut flour and lard. Obviously all signs pointed toward making grain free donuts. Since coconut flour is a bit crumbly and not conducive to something like a fried donut shape, I settled on grain free donut holes. Since coconut flour does have a naturally sweet flavor, I decided to skip the granulated sugar and sweeten with just a bit of honey. If you are wanting a lower carb donut hole, the honey can be omitted. I also added some caffeine free dandyblend to give these delicacies a flavor boost.

I often receive questions regarding oil choice for frying. I personally prefer lard. With a high smoke point and mild to no flavor, lard is a safe bet for everything from homemade French fries to sweet things like these grain free donut holes. If you are curious about other options, coconut oil may be one to try, although I do find it a bit on the heavy side.

The end result was amazing. These are not your typical sweet treat, and if you do decide to skip the honey, I’d almost call them a bit on the savory side. As I mention in the recipe, these can be dairy free as well by substituting something like Nutiva brand shortening.

Grain Free Donut Holes

The Dandyblend will cause these grain free donut holes to appear very dark when fried.

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